Day 35

6 October, 2003

I am... suffering from boat lag. Had too hard a time waking for breakfast. Then had a hard time staying awake all morning, drinking lots of coffee. Spent a lot of time on deck, soaking up the spotty sun every once and a while poking through the clouds.

The crew were busy doing maintenance. While in L.A., one of the pistons will be removed from the engine for regularly scheduled replacement. Constant sanding and painting is still going on, and the tightening of the lashings holding the containers in place.

Not another ship, no place, no how. Although we are in a place labeled the Mendocino Trench, we are days from California. My good night bridge visit reminds me, as I walk alone on the dark but moon lit catwalks, moon lit ocean stretching south east, how much I love this environment. The air is getting warmer again. The sea’s temperature has risen back up from the 16 Celsius of a few days ago to 20. Not the 30 of the Indian Ocean.

Clocks go ahead another hour. 144w 40n.