Day 33

4 October, 2003

Saturday dawns a second time, sunny big ocean. The ocean has the look of someone who is just sick of fighting. Bruised, instead of whitecaps just patches of old spent foam. This is the middle of the Pacific. I have often wondered about it. It is amazing to me, that even here there are these big skimming birds that seem to live on the ocean.

Weird dreams. All I know is that I woke up thinking I had to remember to pay the organ grinder, and that my friend Ross L had pointed out that I wasn’t really a composer anymore.

I try, but I just don’t love corned beef. Putting an egg on top of it just ruins the egg. After lunch (not “binhoff” but a curiously American fried chicken, potato salad and watermelon) I skipped another training film and went up to the forecastle to enjoy the sun and air. After an hour of watching, haven't seen anything of a fishy nature, although the captain reports some far off whale spouts. Back to the cabin I go.

A late night spin outside, it is wonderful to have the moon back as the companion it was for the first few weeks of the voyage. It is beautiful over the Pacific. For some reason we seem to be in a radio black hole. In the few moments I have been able to receive the BBC in the last couple of days, it is during the fluffy junk they now use for about ninety percent of their programming. Oh, but of coarse as they like to remind all the time, if I had access to the internet, why, I could get all the news. Well, duh?

Clocks go ahead an hour.